When you’re pondering a restaurant based on its outside menu, and an old (and I’m not being unkind by using that word) Camden hippie walks past and says “Yeah!!! It’s great in there!”, you know you’re on to a winner…right? Such was the situation when found ourselves outside Asakusa in Camden (okay, technically Mornington Crescent) recently. […]
Tag Archives | Camden

Review: Porky’s, Camden
Every new restaurant that’s opened in London in the last six months has been – what’s officially known in the trade – a “burger joint”. No, really it’s true. “What about that fusion Japa-…” you might start to ask before I say “SHUSH SHUSH SHUSH I’M RIGHT anyway you’re thinking of a fusion Japanese-Peruvian burger place […]

Review: Tank Party at Camden Town Brewery
On an absolutely insanely rainy Saturday in London (honestly – it felt like being in the tropics at times), Camden Town Brewery hosted a wonderful Tank Party, bringing beer, BBQ and…err…beautiful times to the North London masses. London Budget popped along! It’s never a good sign when you have to abandon a twenty minute walk […]

Areas of London: Visiting Camden
In the first of an occasional series of posts on the different areas of London, we’ll shine the spotlight on the very famous neighbourhood of Camden. You only have to walk up Camden High Street on any day of the week to see how popular an area this really is with visitors to London – […]